Twinkle science team member Caprice Phillips explores the possibility of studying terrestrial-like planets with Twinkle.
Blue Skies Space Ltd. has confirmed that scientists from fourteen universities across the world have joined its first space science mission, Twinkle, as the initial group of Founding Members.
Twinkle will perform simultaneous spectroscopic coverage of the 0.5 – 4.5 micron wavelength region, which covers many ammonia features. Therefore, the pursuit of searching for potential biosignatures in these worlds is exciting endeavour for the upcoming Twinkle space mission.
The spectroscopic characterisation of exoplanet atmospheres is a vital component in our search for molecular species on other planets.
This is the second blog in a series of posts discussing the key technical considerations of the Twinkle spacecraft design.
This is the first in a series of blog posts that will discuss key technical considerations on the Twinkle spacecraft design.
Airbus will investigate an industrial solution for the satellite building on the initial feasibility study of the Twinkle mission with the contribution of ABB Inc.
Key science cases with Twinkle explored
Twinkle team eagerly awaits discoveries